Hanako Omori

Crystal DC - Balmung

Painter, Writer, & Dancer

Who is Hanako?

At a glance...

Full Name: Hanako Omori
Aliases/Nicknames: Star, Little Ghost, Songbird, Aergbryn
Race: Raen Au ra
Age: Early 20s
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Married to Lufrieda Nollani
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 100lbs
Skin: Pale lavender
Hair: Icy silver
Eyes: Lilac with matching, glowing limbral rings
Voice Claim: rainych
Accessories: Rings of various styles adorning her fingers and knuckles, always wearing some kind of necklace, a knife(?)
Occupation: Painter, theatre performer, scribe, (ex)reporter

The reporter herself...

Well-known writer and reporter across Eorzea and Kugane, Hanako came to fame through the popular "People of Eorzea" stories and in recent time, added the ventures of Salemtaza's Voyage to her resume. It's known that she hails from beneath the Ruby Sea from the small village of Sui-no-Sato, though migrated to Kugane at a young age and there studied the arts in private schooling. Painting became her full-time profession as she grew older.During then, she became close friends with twins Ayame and Kaname hailing from the Ohta family who then introduced her to theatre, performance, and dance. With Hanako's newfound connection, she frequented plays at the Ohta Theatre as side characters within their whimsical stories, performance becoming her second love.Hanako doesn't speak much of her background outside of her performance days, or why she came to Eorzea several years ago, far too focused on the present to dwell on the past. She's easily excitable with a bubbly demeanor to complement, the shining definition of optimism and brightness.In recent days, she's been in and out of the tumultuous Estersands of Dalmasca, assisting in resistance and restoration efforts with her beloved significant other Lune Nollani and several close friends.

Roleplay Hooks

Accessible Starters

People of Eorzea - Either by face or name, feel free to recognize Hanako. She frequented the major city-states to interview anyone willing for her father's gazette in Kugane called "The Rising Dragon" for her mini articles known to be "People of Eorzea". Due to it's sudden popularity, it eventually was published to the local papers in Eorzea.Ohta Theatre Performances - When sitll residing in Kugane, Hanako was in theatre scene, normally playing a side character on stage for the Ohta Clan. Anyone enjoying the performing arts may recognize her. It's rumored she sometimes visits per her friends' request to play a new part.Painter for Hire - Painting being Hanako's main profession, her artwork is recognizable throughout both the east and west for her hyperrealism and portraiture. It may be difficult to obtain a commission slot from her, but it's worth a try!Couture & Jewelry - Custom-made clothing? Bougie jewelry made to fit? Right up Hanako's alley, as she's always seeking the latest fashion trends. She's on the lookout for local shops to give business to considering she has the money to spend.Other Publications - Hanako's also known for writing the ventures of Salemtaza's Voyage, which became a public favorite due to the outlandish claims and feats described in the articles. Whether or not she released the truth is up to the reader to decide. And alongside her newspaper articles, she's recently published a book called 'Fugetsu' in dedication to a friend amongst the Voyage.

Out of Character

Hi! my name is Ciid (they/them) and I'm in my late 20's, I've been roleplaying for over 15 years, and I love taking screenshots. Please check out my preferences:- Sorry, 21+ only!
- IC =/= OOC. I am not my characters! Please whisper /DM /send me a tell if my character ever makes you uncomfortable and we'll work something out.
- Please don't be afraid of communicating with me OOC first. I highly appreciate the communication and ironing things out, or even just headcanoning!
- I'm LGBTQIA+ friendly and would rather not interact with anyone who speaks poorly of those groups.
- I'm completely cool with lore-bending but I tend to lean towards being lore-friendly.
- While I do have my discord posted elsewhere, I don't tend to add people randomly or right away.
- This character is in a monogamous relationship! This won't be changing, so please do not approach with ERP. I also avoid non-consensual or death RP with this character. Dark/mature themes are OK.
Please don't be afraid to ask me about anything! If you're interested in an art commission, check out my commissions carrd.